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Sultan Sanjar - Treasury of Secrets.jpg
Manuscript leaf from the Baysunghur Shahnameh Manuscript. The illustration depicts a scene from Mahsan al-Asrar (Treasury of Secrets) with an encounter between Sultan Sanjar and an Old Woman


The Hermann Composite begins with St. Jerome’s prologue on the Hosea. It contains a sizeable illuminated capital depicting abbot Hermann holding a book and crosier, his head partially surrounded by a nimbus and standing in an archway. Hermann is…

A "book for aristocrats" manuscript on vellum, 258 leaves, 320 x 233 mm. (Koninklijke Bibliotheek 2019) A Middle Dutch translation of Vincent of Beauvais’ Speculum Historiale produced in Holland and heavily illustrated. (de Hamel 1994,…

Illuminated manuscript taken from the 13th century copy of the "Anvar-i Suhayli", (The Lights of Canopus). In this illustration, the wisdom of King Solomon is portrayed through his ability to converse with all mankind and creatures, including…


Solomon-Turkey (2).jpg
Illuminated manuscript illustrating Solomon enthroned at the top centre of the illustration. The illustration of the wise and powerful king features him above horizantal rows of his subjects. Simillarly to the AKM PS24 robe, the character known in…

"A member of the Iranian royal household wearing a brocade coat"
(Allsen 1997, 119)


CBC Fatberg Article-1_page-0001.jpg
CBC article on the existence of "fatbergs" along Toronto's waterfront and what they can tel researchers about pollution in the area.

This is an extremely rare example of a complete medieval woven silk robe. Luxurious robes were highly valued in trade and often presented as diplomatic gifts, but due to the fragility of textiles, most of what survives is fragmentary. The exchange of…
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