As the final project for DHU235 (2021-2022), this exhibit introduces a poem about people's struggle under the lockdown during the...
This exhibit will focus on the book The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin, one of the first books to...
The chosen page of Beowulf manuscript, the pattern-welded sword, and the earthenware pottery are exhibits for this analysis; while the gold belt…
Mauryan Empire - Golden age in India
No featured items are available.
View of the excavation of the ship-burial at Sutton Hoo. Black and white photograph centering the impression of the Sutton Hoo ship in the ground,…
"Shallow silver bowl, not quite complete. Central inscribed roundel, in the centre of an equal-armed cross running from below rim. Arms of the cross…
"The thirty-seven coins in the Sutton Hoo purse are all Frankish, and are the only large deposit of coins from the Anglo-Saxon period before the…