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Collection Items

[Le coutumier de Normandie: manuscript]
A 15.3-by-8.2cm French Coutumier de Normandie of 100 parchment leaves (200 pages), missing at least half of its text. Based on the text of the thirteenth-century Grand Coutumier de Normandie with the presence of Anglo-Saxon laws and an incomplete…

A fourteenth century manuscript, whose first half of its 128 leaves contain a latin version of the Coutumier de Normandie.

Fourteenth-century French manuscript of the Coutumier de Normandie. 22 by 15,5 cm.

A fifteenth-century latin Coutumier de Normandie of 290 leaves. 10.7 by 7.2 cm.

Latin manuscript of the Coutumier, with judgements of the Exchequer of Normandy from the beginning of the fourteenth century. 153 leaves; 12 by 9 cm.

Fourteenth-century Latin text of the Coutumier de Normandie, 140 leaves; 21 cm by 15 cm.

Jura Normanniae
Latin manuscript of the Tres-Ancien Coutumier de Normandie, dated 1290-1310, of 100 parchment leaves containing a latin Coutumier de Normandie. 19 by 13 cm.

Fourteenth-century parchment manuscript containing a Latin Coutumier de Normandie, as well as record of a 1267 council at Pont-Audemer, of decisions of the Norman Exchequer, of feudal holdings of the French and English kings and a French list of…

Coutume de Normandie, précédée d'un calendrier, suivie de quelques pièces sur le droit normand, d'arrêts de l'échiquier, et du tarif de la prévôté de Caen.
A 1300 manuscript with a Latin Coutumier de Normandie as well as judgements form the Exchequer and tarifs of Cane's provote.
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