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This fifteenth-century copy of an important textbook in Islamic law is intricately annotated with the notes of a legal expert (Arabic faqih) in Egypt who was using the book as a teaching tool. The notes are largely case studies and problems in law,…

This Jewish marriage contract (Hebrew ketubah) details the groom"s financial obligations to the bride in the event of divorce or widowhood. Both text and decorative object, designed to be displayed in the couple"s home, it belonged to David ben…

The lacquered cover of this Shahnameh manuscript showcases a dense pattern of grape-bearing vine scrolls, which continued to be an influential motif over the following centuries. This handwritten manuscript contains the Shahnameh (literally, "Book of…

"The subject of this single-page drawing has been most often described as a learned man, but he also possesses qualities that may indicate he is a dignified Sufi. However, he wears rings on both little fingers, which might not reflect the modesty of…

Miniature painting taken from a Nigaristan manuscript (East Azerbaijan, province of Iran). The miniature features the grandeur of the Caliph Harun al-Rashid's palace. In the painting, his vizer is seated at the top of the room, receiving guests on…


This Buddhist prayer sheet is a rare survivor among hundreds of identical prints featuring Avalokite?vara, a form of the Boddhisatva of compassion, and was produced in 947 to celebrate the annual Ghost Festival. In the early 11th century, this print…

Cathy's Interview Part 1.mp3
In this audio clip, the interviewer asks the interviewee to describe her experience learning Noli Me Tángere in high school. The interviewee explains that she and her classmates read the novel in textbook format and were tested on the material in…

Cathy's Interview Part 2.mp3
In this audio clip, the interviewer asks the interviewee to recall if there was a particular scene or character that left an impression on her as she was reading it, or to recall her overall impression of the novel when she was studying it. The…

Cathy's Interview Part 3.mp3
In this audio clip, the interviewer and interviewee discuss how making Noli Me Tángere required reading in high school affects how students perceive the novel. The interviewee replies that learning Noli in the school environment the first time…

Cathy's Interview Part 4.mp3
In this audio clip, the interviewer asks the interviewee if the school environment affected how she personally learned the book. The interviewee explains that some of the class activities they did in school helped in reinforcing the lessons; however,…
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