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See folio 159v-160r

see folio 162v-163r

see f.160v-161r

Manuscript on vellum of Jerome's vulgate translation of the gospels, 245x190mm, possibly brought to Canterbury by Augustine himself in the late 6th century. Contains several colorful illustrated pages. (Stanford Libraries)

f.165r A squential…

The Third Sign: Gathering of the Fish and Sea Monsters - <br />
Livre de la Vigne nostre Seigneur
A Middle French Mid-late 15th Century illuminated manuscript with Latin quotations on 166 leaves of parchment. (Medieval Manuscripts in Oxford Libraries 2019) The codex is bound between two wooden boards, possibly contemporary. Contains a rare copy…

Patron/Artist Portrait, fol. 1r - Holkham Bible Picture Book
An Anglo-Norman 14th century illuminated manuscript with sections in English on 42 leaves of Parchment, 285 x 210mm. (The British Library: Digitised Manuscripts 2019) This Picture book contains biblical narrative and a Comestor version of the Fifteen…

page 151.jpg
A 15.3-by-8.2cm French Coutumier de Normandie of 100 parchment leaves (200 pages), missing at least half of its text. Based on the text of the thirteenth-century Grand Coutumier de Normandie with the presence of Anglo-Saxon laws and an incomplete…
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